Jasa Import Lance Pipe PI Besi/ Baja - Imporindo.com (PT. Tata Indah Sarana)
Running a ferrous or non-ferrous primary metals plant means your lance pipes need to be top-grade. P.C. Campana invested years of research and development on lance pipes. What makes P.C. Campana lance pipes different? Rigorous testing and inspection standards that produce 100% safe oxygen lance pipes that are durable, cost-effective with advanced performance.
Superior Strength: Built to withstand daily use as an oxygen cutting system tool or oxygen injection device.
Wide Size Selection: Available from .500’ to 1.883’ in all heavy lance pipe wall gauges.
Standard or Customized Sizes: Available from 3/8” to 1 1/2” diameter in 9’ to 18’ lengths with plain, press-on coupling or threaded ends. Special diameters and lengths available.
Anda Butuh Jasa Import Lance Pipe Hs Code 7308.10.90/ 7308.10.90 ?